Year: Spring/Summer 2004
Model: Matt Norklun

Brand: Perry Ellis Portfolio
Year: Spring/Summer 1986
Models: Matt Norklun and Paulina Porizkova

source picture: scanned by 630Redhead@the bellazon forum
When I saw that 2004 Levi's ad I tried to recognize that face but I couldn't. after some time I thought that he could be Matt Norklun, the famous Perry Ellis model of the 80's but I wasn't even sure.
Finally I confirmed it when I read the ad, it clearly says "Name: Matt Norklun, Profession: Aircraft Mechanic" lol!
found a typo: repost:
I'm amazed at how well some models have stayed in winning shape since their peak two decades ago...and the fact their hair is looking better than ever! Besides Mr. Norklun, the name of Bob Menna also comes to mind.Designer "genes"~
I know it haha, I'm 35 and already losing my hair :-o ... :p
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