Year: Spring/Summer 1989
Model: Peter Bordes and Ralph

Peter Bordes these days

Peter Bordes is a Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of MediaTrust. Previously, he spent much of his career in banking and venture capital and was a founder of Mason Cabot investment bank, which specialized in early stage media and technology financing.
Mr. Bordes was also a founder and chairman of the board of Empire Media, Inc., a publishing, marketing, and technology enterprise which incubated and founded, the first "True Business Search" engine, and of Advaliant, an online performance marketing platform.
Currently, Mr. Bordes is an investor, serves on the boards of, or is an adviser to a number of media and technology companies, such as Widemile, Northstar Software, Roomlinx Inc. (RMLX: OTCBB), jiwire, Greater Media Inc, and Affilicon. Peter serves on the board of Conservation International and is also the Chairman of the Performance Marketing Alliance Fundraising Committee.
OMG this just came up in my Google alerts. Talk about a trip down memory lane. So many familiar faces that i have not seen or do still like Hoyt Richards and Jessie Harris...
where did you find this Brooksfield catalog? Reminds me that i have boxes of all the campaigns and catalogs from Versace and more in storage some where... where have you been finding all this pre internet content? i should send you some of the stuff in boxes.
BTW the other gentleman's first name is Ralph in these pictures. i cant remember his last name. But he was from an agency in Brussels
best place to connect w/me is on Twitter http://www.twitter/mediatrustpete or Facebook
great blog and thanks for the great memories :)
Hey Peter! nice surprise that you have written here, when I read online biographies about you I thought that probably you didn't even remember your days as a male model, it's great that you still enjoy memories of the fab 80's.
I found the Brooksfield pictures in an old 1989 L'uomo Vogue magazine, the 80's-early 90's is in my opinion the best period in men's fashion!
I had old clippings and some magazines but I didn't know the name of many models, one day I discovered, a website archive with most of the cards of the models from the 80's, that's when I decided to create this blog as a tribute to all those great male models that I saw in magazines when I was a kid/pre-teen/teen :))
Internet is WOW! but there's still lack of information about what happened before the cyber era so this is my contribution.
I have a few more pics of you, including a GQ editorial that you did with John Pearson and Grant Caradine, you look like a classic english gentleman, in the next scanning session I will scan it.
are you still in touch with any of guys or photographers? Jesse Harris was also a great model but there's no info online about what's he doing these days.
I loved the 80's and i have to say my modeling career really was a great experience. i would not be where i am today with out it. The traveling, people and experiences changed my life. Sounds kind of funny because most people have a limited view of what modeling is and that its all on the surface. I suppose like most things in life it is what you make of it.
Your site is what makes the internet great. I have sent links thru Facebook to several of the guys on here who will appreciate your site and passion :) Also to George Kartis & Doug Ordway who are on FB. BTW many are on FB and you should send invites to the FaceBook group.
Jessie is a very talented photographer
I am in touch w/ some of the guys and would love to connect them to the site & Facebook group. Most likely they dont know about the site because so little of the content is online and it really should be. To your point it was when male model became a bit more than and GQ to Bruce Weber really created something unique.
You could create the largest archive of this era. i bet people still have this stuff and will submit it to should add a way for people to submit content.
Send me A Facebook fiend invite (i can only take inbound ones)and i will connect you. I also want to connect you to the CEO of who is building the largest global fashion database. he would love to get this content in as a partnership.
thanks for the support Peter!
yes, many of the guys are in Facebook and I have been tempted to ask them for small interviews for the blog but since they don't know me I have not been sure about it :)) Doug Ordway has been here before, he's very amiable.
Btw,that "THE MEN OF FASHION" facebook group is not mine, I just discovered it months ago, they were posting amazing stuff from the 80's but suddenly it was all about fashion of today and being honest I'm not that interested in fashion of the 00's and 10's, I like the nostalgia of the 80's and 90's ;)
great to know about Jesse Harris, I thought he was living in another planet, I had googled his name before but nothing came up, there are many others Jesse Harris but not the one I was looking for.
I've already tried to add you in facebook but everytime I got this message
"Do you know this user personally? To prevent misuse of Facebook, this request can't be sent. To learn more, please visit the Help Center."
it only happens me with you, haven't you disabled friends requests? :-/
Definitely start a Facebook group around this blog. its good content to build a community around. this is what makes digital media so important. its allows this content and these kinds of communities to be created.I also want to connect you with CEO Keith Britton. They are building the largest fashion database and looking for partners. your blog is the best i have seen.. or should i say the only one that has this content.
you should add the rss feed from here to your FB profile so the content is flowing into it. also set up a twitter. there is a very large fashion/celebrity following on twitter which will help build awareness to the blog and facebook group.
i introduced you to a few people on Facebook who are on your blog... yes you should ask for interviews. i think everyone would be open to that and flattered.. you should also ask to have them or others submit content. past content and even what they are doing now alla Jessie as a photographer.
Ok Peter, you will be the first one to be profiled :)) wait for the questions.
Thanks for all the tips and introductions, I also visited, nice website but it's more about fashion of today, Isn't it?
They are today. but looking to build the largest fashion database in the world. past and present. spoke to Keith and he would like to speak with you. i will send you a FB private message with my email
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