Year: Spring/Summer 1997
Model: Sebastien Treil and Amy Wesson
Ph: Steven Meisel

Note from WWD
"...Meisel's new campaign for Valentino was inspired by Balthus, who is being featured in an exhibit at the Valentino-sponsored Accademia art academy in Rome.
It looks as if it were created by brush strokes and features an ethereal Amy Wesson holding a mirror or lighting a candle, among other images.
"This is a very sophisticated campaign, which reflects the whole philosophy of the lightness and transparency of the Valentino woman this season," a spokeswoman said. Valentino also plans to erect a mural with an image from the campaign above its Milan offices during the women's shows in March. "
And the male model happens to be a French gentleman by the name of Sebastien Treil, very good picture quality and the creativity it's outstanding, high quality altogether.
wow, finally his name, thanks again ;)
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