SUZANNE STREMPEK SHEA Journal-Bulletin Staff Writer
Aug 21, 1986

Brown-haired blue-eyed [John Toppa] says he "didn't even realize this whole business existed" when he was approached on a beach back in 1980 by Bruce Weber, the fashion photographer best known for those controversial Calvin Klein advertisements.
Weber thought Toppa would be great to photograph for an upcoming GQ assignment. Toppa thought Weber was putting him on.

GQ - May 1983
Looking to the future, he thinks about a career in sports promotion. For now, he's got one that nets him $200 an hour for editorial (photos to be used in newspapers, magazines and other publications) work and $2,000 to $3,000 a day for advertising assignments (fashion shows are included in this category). Editorial work pays less, but can end up paying more, Toppa says, because of its high exposure.
Welcome back, Johec! Hope you had a good vacation.
emm, well, I wasn't vacationing, just busy with my personal life. :p but I can't resist posting ;)
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