1988 Chicago International Film festival Poster with Deborah Larson by Victor Skrebneski

Nikos Underwear Fall - Winter 1988 by Victor Skrebneski

Backstage Gianni Versace 1990 with Gianni and Elton John

Now Steven is a fashion photographer, started in LA in 1998 and after moving to Paris in 2001 he shot his first editorial for Spoon Magazine in 2002. Two years later, Photo magazine and Fuji Film hosted an exhibition of his work at the Plaza Athénée, Paris.

part of his work is available in these websites:
I have photos to add to the database. How can I send them?
Or who can I send them to?
Hi Steve, It would be great!
You can send them to this email address = joeh2005@gmail.com
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