Rob and Linda by Steven Meisel

Rob Russell and Linda Evangelista by Steven Meisel for Italian Vogue 1992

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, me again.
This Linda editorial is MAD!!! SHe is just the phenomenal one...from Vogue Italia circa 90s i guess, she was looking like Sophia Loren here on the cover.
Same Vogue which featured the GREAT Magali Amadei on it's cover lookin like Ava Gardner. Incidentally, you don't have any of Magali Amadei ;-(, and another clone Marielle Macville-Drake ....these two were I think underrated models along the lines of Angelika Kallio and Michaela Bercu....
More power to you MAD! site...keep it up.

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Anonymous commented on tommy hilfiger 96_19
The afr am model on the right is charles cannon, the same afr am model under the shower
Anonymous commented on vogue 91
Great guy!! Knew him from 1991 Michele Pommier days. Fellow dog lover - Julie Winkelmann
Anonymous commented on vogue 91
I knew Ric from 1991 Michele Pommier days. Great guy!! Down to earth and fellow dog liover - Julie Winkelmann
Anonymous commented on gianni versace spring summer 1993
Thank you so much. The models on this show are beyond gorgeous.
Johec commented on gianni versace spring summer 1993
His name is Michael Bunker.